BMW’s mission wasn't just to launch their version of an electric car, it was to redefine the future of mobility. But, to do so they needed 700 volunteers to join them in an experiment.

The brief - find 700 individuals who wouldn't mind giving back a vehicle after 18 months, pay well above regular BMW lease rates for a car that was bound to have bugs and that needed serviced once a month, and be willing to have their homes inspected for compatibility (oh yeah, and foot the bill on that too). Easy enough...

To contribute to the winning and development of the ActiveE launch program I created insight and need-state based personas that helped our team hone in and win over these unique individuals who came to be known as Electronauts.

Campaign Results:
-Total signups in first 24 hours of availability ~1,500
-Total signup for participation: 4,257 for 700 available cars
-90% of leases filled within one month


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