For as sexy as the word "art" can be, "art history" usually conjures up unfortunate memories of flashcard memorization.
Art Intelligence was created to make learning art history (or any subject for that matter) as dynamic asf art itself.
Partnering directly with the founder, I helped take Art Intelligence from idea, to live product that has massive potential as a new learning platform. Including, developing the initial UX, creating the brand story and go-to-market planning.
The app takes a non-linear approach to learning, visually showing the connection between an artist's life, the world events of their lifetime and the body of work they created, demonstrating how it is all inextricable.
Several editions are in the pipeline, and to date Cindy Sherman, Keith Haring and Patricia Piccinini are live in the App Store. In addition, the platform has recently been opened up to allow any type of learning content to utilize the model we've created.
Art Intelligence has been featured by Apple in the App Store in both the US and Europe.